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  • Grilled Mussels

    These grilled/broiled Mussels with Garlic and Fresh herbs are a real treat to every Seafood lover and Mussels Fan! First cooked and then covered with some garlic-herb butter and some breadcrumbs or panko on top before putting them under a grill, these little treasures will blow your senses. It’s a tiny bit of work but the reward is soooo huge you forget the effort the moment you have your first bite. Serve as a appetizer or a meal, and make sure you have some fresh bread to serve aside…I promise you that you won’t stop dipping in the shelves until they are totally empty. Enjoy! Ingredients (2 Persons) 2 Kg Mussels ½ Green Celery chopped 4 White Onions in rings 2 tsp White Pepper 2 tsp Salt 5 tbsp chopped Parsley 5 tbsp chopped Chives 200 gr Butter 600 ml Water 5 cloves Garlic Breadcrumbs Equipment 1 Cutting Board 1 Knife 1 large pot with top Oven with grill function Preparation 1. Wash the mussels in cold water. 2. With a good knife remove all the white dots and dirt from the mussels. TIP: A good mussel should be sealed tight or at least seal itself when you hit it with the knife. 3. Second thing to watch is to carefully remove, if there, the ‘beard’ of the mussel which sometimes you find at the side of the mussel, cut this away. 4. Now take fresh water and wash the mussels again. 5. Take the pot, add the butter, water, chopped celery, sliced onions, the pepper, and salt, and put the mussels on top. 6. Put the top on the pot and put on a high fire. 7. After 3 minutes shake them up until your veggies are on top, put back on the fire for 2 minutes. 8. Shake up again, cook for 2 more minutes and shake up again before serving. 9. If you check the mussels, they should all be opened, if not cook for a minute longer till they open up. TIP: When all opened, they are ready. 10. Take the mussels and remove 1 side of the shell, put them side by side on a plate. TIP: Use some aluminium foil on top of the plate to create a rougher surface so the mussels can lay steady. Put them all on a plate or oven tray. 11. Mix the butter with the chopped garlic, chives, parsley, pepper and salt. 12. Cover the mussels with this herb butter. Sprinkle a bit of breadcrumbs over it and put under the grill for 3-5minutes depending on the power of your grill. 13. Serve with some bread. Enjoy! #chef #cooking #tasty #fast #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #garlic #panko #herbbutter #butter #moulesgratinées #herbs #grilledmussels #mussels #seafood #broiled #grilled

  • Autumn Nutella

    When autumn comes and the sun fades away, scaping beautiful landscapes when the trees turn red and yellow, when we gather inside seeking the heat together, comforting ourselves with sweet and savory dishes, already knowing that we will be fasting after the holidays. Today I want to present you this Autumn Nutella, 100% full of flavor and with guilty feeling, this Pumpkin based Nutella contains no added sugar and still tastes amazing, on a toast, a sandwich, a cracker, or as I love my guilty pleasure...on a big juicy piece of pumpkin cake. Enjoying this Autumn Nutella without feeling bad about sugars is a delight, spoon after spoon. Ingredients: 160 gr Pumpkin Pure 80 gr Hazelnut Butter or Peanut Butter 40 gr Cacao Powder (100% cacao) 20 gr Stevia or Erythritol 10 gr Agave Syrup Preparation: 1. Just mix all the ingredients together and voilà, ready to enjoy! #cooking #tasty #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #food #homecooked #spread #choco #pumpkin #pumpkinrecipes #nutella #cacao #chocolate #hazelnut #peanutbutter #vegan

  • Pumpkin Cake

    Autumn is rainy and nostalgic, but the thing I like the most about it is its food, all the fantastic recipes that are made in this season to heal the sadness of our souls while seeing the sunny summer vanishing, all those ingredients that can fill a house of good vibes and a lot of good memories, and one of the main ingredients is of course PUMPKIN, that is why I couldn't let the opportunity pass to share with you this fantastic and really simple recipe PUMPKIN CAKE Ingredients 250 gr flour 360 gr pumpkin pure 200 gr raw sugar 1/2 cup sunflower oil 3 eggs 1 tsp vanilla 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1 tbsp lemon juice 2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp baking soda Equipment 1 bowl 1 silicon spatula 1 baking form (plum cake style or 20 cm diameter) Preparation 1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 º C. 2. In a bowl put together all the dry ingredients and mix. 3. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir roughly with the spatula. 4. Pour the mix in the baking form (previously greased and floured) and take to the oven for 60 min #cooking #tasty #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #food #homecooked #dessert #cake #pumpkin #pumpkinrecipes #pumpkinspicy #pumpkincarving #pumpkinineverything

  • Savoy Cabbage Stew with Bacon Sausages

    This heartwarming Savoy Cabbage Stew with Bacon sausages was often made by my grandmother in autumn and winter which was one of my favorite dishes this time a year. When everybody comes in to escape the cold outside and gathers around this huge pot of stew…the aromatic sent of fried bacon in the house already giving away what grandma had been cooking. Ingredients (4 Persons) 1 savoy cabbage 1/2 leek 200 gr diced bacon 8 thin slices bacon 12 wiener sausages Salt and Pepper 2 tbsp Mustard 2 onions 100 gr butter 8 potatoes 1 pinch of nutmeg Equipment 2 cooking pots pan Preparation 1. Peel and cook your potatoes. 2. Slice the savoy cabbage and the leek really fine. 3. Peel and dice your onion. 4. Put half of the butter in a cooking pot and fry the diced onion until glazed, add the leek and the savoy cabbage, season with salt and pepper and add 100 ml of water. Cover the pot and leave it on a medium fire for about 15 minutes. 5. Stir around every 5 minutes. 6. Meanwhile cut 4 sausages into slices from approximately 1 cm. 7. Put the other half of the butter in a pan and fry the diced bacon and sliced sausages until golden brown. 8. Add the fried bacon and sausages, and the cooked potatoes to the pot with the savoy cabbage, mix it up and cook all together for 5 more minutes without the top so the excess of water goes out. 9. You can mix it quiet roughly so the potatoes brake down and it becomes a bit of a mash. 10. Taste it and if needed season with pepper, salt and a pinch of nutmeg. 11. When done put the cover back on and set aside. 12. Take the other 8 sausages and wrap them with the thin sliced bacon. 13. Grill your bacon-sausages until done. 14. Serve the savoy cabbage stew with two bacon sausages and some mustard on the side. 15. Enjoy! #cooking #tasty #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #food #homecooked #stew #bacon #sausages #onion #potato #savory #puree #mustard #savoycabbage #cabbage

  • Puff Pastry with Pumpkin, Turkey and Goat cheese

    This Puff pastry with Turkey and Goat cheese was actually a left over meal but it turned out so good that I wanted to share this recipe here. I had some pumpkin puree, grilled turkey, puff pastry and cheese left in the fridge. I simply diced the turkey, mixed it with the pumpkin puree, added some nutmeg, pepper and salt. Cut out 4 squares of the puff pastry, put the pumpkin mix in the middle, covered with goat cheese and some mozzarella and baked them for about 20 minutes on 200 degrees. Result was this delicious warm savory snack we had for lunch but also you could make smaller squares and use them as appetizers on a party. Ingredients (2 Persons) 300 gr Pumpkin puree 200 gr Turkey 4 squares puff pastry (15 cm x 10 cm) 100 gr goat cheese 100 gr mozzarella Nutmeg Salt and pepper 1 onion Chicken spices Equipment 1 Cutting Board 1 pan Oven Oven tray Preparation 1. Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees. 2. Dice the onion and turkey and stir fry in a pan with some olive oil, season with chicken spices. 3. Set aside to cool down a bit. 4. Take a oven tray, put a baking paper on top and put the 4 squares of puff pastry on the tray. 5. Mix your pumpkin puree with the onion and turkey, some nutmeg, salt and pepper. 6. Place the pumpkin mix on the puff pastry, leaving a good centimeter of puff pastry uncovered on the sides. 7. Put some slices of goat cheese on top of the puree and some grated mozzarella, give it a twist of pepper and add some salt and put the tray in the oven for 20 minutes until it’s baked golden brown. 8. Serve as lunch or a starter or should you have a party coming up and want some exclusive appetizers you can make small squares of puff pastry as well and serve them as snacks. 9. Enjoy! #cooking #tasty #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #food #homecooked #pastry #baking #appetizer #onion #mozzarella #cheese #goatcheese #puffpastry #turkey #pumpkin

  • Halloween Salty Snacks

    Triple Halloween Salty snacks. Today some fast and easy snacks to serve on your Halloween party or just sharing with family and kids. We've made some Mummy sausages, a Ghosts Pizza and some scary Halloween Pumpkin eggs. Follow our short video to see how fast and easy you can make this treats at home! GHOSTS PIZZA Ingredients for the fast pizza sauce: 2 cups passata (sieved tomato) 1 tsp Oregano 1 tsp Basil 1 tsp Paprika powder 1 clove Garlic Salt and pepper Pinch of Chili powder Ingredients for the pizza: 2 cups tomato sauce 1 prepacked square of pizza dough 1/2nd yellow bell pepper 1/2nd red bell pepper 15 slices of salami 2 cups grated mozzarella cheese 1 tsp fresh Oregano Mozzarella carved ghosts 1 tsp Olive tapenade Preparation: 1. Cook for 10 min on a slow fire all the ingredients for the sauce and set aside to cool down. 2. Pre heat the oven to 200 degrees. 3. Put the dough on a baking tray. 4. Cover with a thin layer of tomato sauce. 5. Spread some grated mozzarella, diced Bell peppers and the salami over the tomato sauce and sprinkle some Oregano over it. 6. Put some Mozzarella ghosts on top. 7. Bake for about 25-30 minutes. 8. Put some olive tapenade eyes on your ghosts. 9. Cut and enjoy your pizza! TIP: If you want the mozzarella ghosts 👻 to maintain better their shape just bake your pizza for 15-20 minutes first, add the ghosts and bake for 10 more minutes so they are only slightly melted. MUMMY SAUSAGES Ingredients 8 sausages (to your taste) Some pre packed puff pastry 1 tbsp cream cheese Preparation 1. Pre-heat your oven to 200 ºC. 2. Slice some thin stripes of puff pastry. 3. Simply turn the puff pastry around your sausages, push together the end after the first turn to attach and then roll free shaped and over crossing leaving 1cm of the sausage uncovered. 4.Bake for about 15-20 minutes in the oven. 5.Fold a small piping bag out of baking paper or cut of a corner from a plastic bag and put in a tbsp of cream cheese and put some eyes on your Mummy sausages. 6. Serve and enjoy! HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN EGGS Ingredients 4 eggs 100 gr cream cheese paprika powder Preparation 1. Boil 4 eggs (15 minutes) 2. Cool down the eggs, peel and slice in half. 3. Take out the egg yolks and mix with some cream cheese, pepper and salt. 4. Put the egg yolk mix back into the cut open egg whites forming a small ball. 5. Cut out a Halloween pumpkin face, keep it above the egg yolk mix and sprinkle some paprika powder so the image of the Halloween pumpkin face appears on your egg. 6. Cut some small green stalks out of parsley or anything green (that is eatable) and put them on top of the egg yolk making it look like a pumpkin. 7. Put on a plate or between your other Halloween treats and enjoy! #cooking #tasty #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #snacks #appetizers #halloween #halloweenfood #halloweenfoodideas

  • Halloween Dip Ideas

    Today I want to show you guys some fast and easy plating for Halloween using some of the tapenade recipes that we have recently released, we will start with a skeleton made of crackers using the amazing olives tapenade, followed by a veggie's skeleton served with our home made roasted sweet pepper and feta dip, and finishing with a scary (not really so much haha) Frankenstein made of fresh guacamole. In the links below you can find the details of each of the dips: Olives Tapenade Roasted Sweet Red Peppers and Feta Cheese Tapenade Guacamole Also, you will need below ingredients to create the Halloween plates: Crackers Bread Sticks Nachos Bell Pepper Cucumber Carrots, Celery or just be creative Black Olives Boiled Egg #cooking #tasty #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #coriander #spanish #spain #avocado #appetizer #redonion #tomato #lime #guacamole #vegan #vegetarian #garlic #oliveoil #crackers #olives #vegan #vegetarian #peppers #feta #halloween #halloweenfood #halloweenfoodideas #skeleton #frankenstein

  • Roasted Sweet Red Pepper and Feta Cheese Tapenade

    Roasted sweet red peppers tapenade with feta cheese is one of the most beloved dips here on snacking evenings with friends. This yummy sweet and savory tapenade is a super easy 3 ingredients dip. Just mix up the ingredients and serve it with crackers, bread sticks or some crispy bread. Success guaranteed! Ingredients 1 can or jar roasted sweet red peppers (drained weight 230-250 gr) 200 gr feta cheese Salt and pepper 1 tbsp good quality olive oil Cayenne pepper (optional) Equipment 1 hand mixer or food processor 1 bowl Preparation 1. Open your can or jar of roasted sweet red peppers and drain them. 2. Open your Feta cheese and take out 100 grams TIP: Take the feta cheese out of the fridge some time in advance to warm up a bit so it blends easier with the peppers) 3. Put the roasted sweet red peppers, feta cheese and olive oil in a high bowl. 4. Mix until you get a smooth paste. 5. Taste and add to flavor a bit of salt and pepper if needed and for those who like it a bit spicier add some cayenne pepper powder. 6. Put the tapenade in a bowl, and serve with some bread sticks, crackers or crispy bread. 7. Enjoy! #chef #cooking #tasty #fast #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #paprika #tapenade #greek #dips #appetizer #tapas #oliveoil #crackers #peppers #feta #vegetarian

  • Olives Tapenade

    Who doesn’t love a Tapas evening or just some dips to enjoy with friends. This super easy way to convert olives in a tapenade is a fast way to make your own dip at home and way cheaper than buying a pre-made one. This amazing dip also goes super well with other tapas as cheese or cured ham so if your worried what to combine, this one always blends in. Serve it with crackers, bread sticks or some crispy bread. Ingredients 1 cup of seedless black olives 1 clove garlic 4 tbsp of good quality olive oil Salt and pepper Equipment 1 hand mixer or food processor 1 bowl Preparation 1. Open your can or jar of black seedless olives and remove the fluid. 2. Peel 1 clove of garlic. 3. Put the olives, garlic, olive oil in a high bowl. (save one olive as garnish) 4. Mix until you get a smooth paste. 5. Taste and add to flavor a bit of salt and pepper if needed (some brands are more salty then others) 6. Put the tapenade in a bowl, put one olive on top as garnish and serve with some bread sticks, crackers or crispy bread. 7. Enjoy! #homecooked #cooking #tasty #dips #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #garlic #tapenade #spain #oil #appetizer #starters #oliveoil #crackers #olives #vegan #vegetarian

  • Guacamole

    Guacamole is an awesome dip with as main ingredient the awesome Avocado. Do you know the interesting history behind Avocado and Guacamole which is more than 500 years old? The avocado finds his origin in South central Mexico where they grow naturally. Guacamole was first made by the Aztecs who were in that time inhabited that region and later was took home by the Spanish. The name Avocado went through some transfers trough the years, as started as the Aztec name “ahucatl” which means testicle (unknown if this name came from the shape and as they hang by two in trees or because they saw the Avocado as aphrodisiac), then the Spanish adopted this word making it “aguacate” which in time transferred into “Avogato” to finally transferred into "Avocado” which is the name that we all know today. At some point in English it was also called a Alligator pear due to the shape of the skin. Due to a ban for importing avocado from Mexico to US it only became popular in US after in 1997 the ban was finally lifted. Guacamole itself was introduced to the Spanish around 500 years ago as a mix of avocado puree with herbs and so the transfer into the Guacamole of today began…even today there are a lot of different styles and recipes out there and the dish became so popular worldwide that over 1 million posts of guacamole pictures find their way to the internet weekly. Here presented is a Mexican recipe which I have the believe is closest to the “original” Guacamole. Serve it with crackers, bread sticks or some crispy bread. Ingredients 2 avocados 2 small red onions 1 tomato Salt 1 lime Fresh coriander (the leaves from 15 coriander branches) Jalapeño or chili (optional) Equipment 1 cutting board 1 bowl Preparation 1. Cut the onion in very small dices. 2. Remove the seeds from the tomato and cut it in very small dices, but first ensure you take out the skin by cutting a small cross in the bottom of the tomato and putting it in boiling water for three minutes, take the tomato out and put it in cold water, and now the skin will be easy to remove. 3. Chop the coriander leaves very fine. 4. If you want the spicy touch, also chop the chili or jalapeño in very small dices 5. It is time now to open the avocados and put the four halves into the bowl, then with the help of a fork, smash the avocado. 6. Once the avocado is smashed, add the juice from 1 lime, the onion, the tomato, the coriander, and the jalapeño, and mix everything together. 7. Try it out and add salt to taste, and mix again. 8. Enjoy! #cooking #tasty #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #coriander #spanish #spain #avocado #appetizer #redonion #tomato #lime #guacamole #vegan #vegetarian #garlic

  • Grilled Cheese Bread with Figs and Walnuts

    Attention all Cheese lovers! This comforting Grilled Cheese Bread is perfect for a rainy autumn night! Hot Camembert Cheese served in a bread with some grilled bread cubes to dip, some sweet Figs and Walnuts, is a treat for every cheese lover. Super easy recipe and a 100% satisfaction guaranteed. Hope you’ll love this one and give us a shout if you tried it! Ingredients 1 small round bread 1 camembert Some olive or garlic infused olive oil 2 figs Handful of walnuts Equipment 1 cutting board Oven tray with baking paper Oven Preparation 1. Pre-heat your oven to 200 ºC. 2. Cut off the top of your bread and open it, keep the top aside for later in the recipe. 3. Take the camembert and remove the skin on the top and the sides, just take it out really thin part. 4. Place the Camembert on top of your bread and take a small knife to cut around it into your bread. 5. Take out the round of bread with your hands, just as deep as your Camembert is thick, keep the bread aside for later. 6. Place the Camembert into your bread and put some aluminium foil around the bread part to protect it from burning or getting too dark in the oven. 7. Switch your heated oven to the grill stand. 8. Place your bread on an oven tray with baking paper and put under the grill for about 35 minutes this will depend on the power of your grill. 9. Meanwhile take the bread pieces you took out from bread to place the cheese and the top you have cut off in the beginning. 10. Dice them into big chunks and sprinkle with olive oil or garlic infused oil. Give it a good mix. 11. Around 10 minutes before your filled bread is ready you can add these bread cubes to your oven tray to grill. 12. When your camembert get’s nice golden brown it’s time to serve, put on a plate surrounded by the grilled cubes of bread and garnish with figs and walnuts. Enjoy! #chef #cooking #tasty #fast #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #walnut #grilled #cheesefondue #fondue #appetizer #starters #grilledcheese #cheesebread #camembertcheese #camembert #figs

  • Provolone Surprise

    Who doesn’t love a surprise in the menu? this super easy but tasty recipe sure will surprise your guests. An Italian treat combining prosciutto with provolone cheese and tomato nicely grilled, an awesome way to start your dinner or add to your tapas evening. Wrap it, grill it, love it! Ingredients 2 Provolone slices of 1,5 cm thickness each 200 gr Prosciutto 1 Tomato A pinch of dried parsley A pinch of dried basil A pinch of dried rosemary A pinch of dried oregano Salt and pepper Olive oil Equipment 1 Cutting board 1 Grill pan 1 small fry pan chopsticks Preparation 1. Cut the tomato in six pieces lengthwise and remove the seeds. 2. Season the tomato pieces with salt, pepper, dried parsley, dried rosemary, dried oregano, and dried basil, and pour some olive oil on top 3. Heat the small fry pan in medium-high fire and put the tomato pieces until golden 4. Take both Provolone slices and form a sandwich, using the provolone as the bread and the tomato as the filling. 5. Once the sandwich is done wrap it with the prosciutto. TIP: If the prosciutto slices are long enough, one can be used to start from one side of the sandwich till finishing in same side, repeat the operation until totally wrapped. Use the chopsticks to attach the prosciutto to the provolone. TIP: If the prosciutto slices are not long enough, take a plate and form a start of prosciutto slices to ensure the bottom of the provolone gets covered, put the filled provolone on top, and form another start of prosciutto on top of the provolone, attach both prosciutto layers in the middle suing prosciutto slices girdles and chopsticks to hold it. 6. Put the grill pan in medium-high fire and once it hot put a bit of olive oil and place the wrapped provolone. 7. Cook it around 4 to 5 minutes per side. 8. Enjoy it! #chef #cooking #tasty #fast #foodporn #foodie #homecooking #instafood #foodgram #fastrecipe #fastandtasty #foodblogger #foodstagram #foodblogfeed #instafoodie #foodphotography #foodies #foodbloggers #buzzfeedfood #cheese #grilled #sundriedtomato #italian #appetizer #starters #tomato #provolone #baked #proscuito #ham

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